Testing for differences in behaviour, and user interface, between browser brands and versions.
"I thought we'd fixed all these browser inconsistencies years ago?"
No: We fixed the old ones, and created new ones
"Provides an interface with which to remote control a browser"
driver.get "http://google.com"
element = driver.find_element name: "q" element.send_keys "how do i"
element = driver.find_element text: "Click me" element.click
visit "http://google.com"
fill_in "q", with: "how do i"
click_link "Click me"
visit '/sessions/new'
within("#session") do
fill_in 'Login', :with => 'user@example.com'
fill_in 'Password', :with => 'password'
click_link 'Sign in'
page.should have_content 'Success'
"A single interface for all of the things"